Make Smiles Happen

Send A Poem

Someone You Know Is Waiting For Their Poem

Word On The Street

How It Works

1. Request, reserve, and donate for your original full-length curated poem gift for someone special.

2. The poet will curate, compose and personally hand-type your poem gift using his vintage typewriter.

3. Your custom poem is typed on archival Vellum paper, and presented in a premium luxe envelope.

4. Your poem gift will be mailed to you, or anyone, anywhere in the world. Free Shipping (Within USA)

5. Watch as smiles and happy tears happen, making you a hero.

Request Your Original Curated Typewriter Poem


Donate What You Want. With the donation-based approach to the Fadi Poetry Poem Commission Project, you choose the donation amount for your original curated typewriter poem.

Please donate for your poem after you’ve completed your Poem Request Form.

The poet donates 10% of all custom poem commission proceeds to St. Mary’s Food Bank.

A Spontaneous Act Of Kindness Changes Everything